Day 99

Friday 8th April 2016

Before I came on holiday I had a good clear out of a lot of my clothes. I found in the back of my wardrobe a whole load of summer dresses that I hadn’t worn in years, probably because they didn’t fit.
I tried them all on and to my amazement most of them fitted. Some even got packed. 

I even wore them on my holiday. It felt really good, I think I even looked OK. I am not liking my arms though I feel they are starting to sag. 

It is the draw back of dieting, I will need to correct it at some point.

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1 thought on “Day 99”

  1. Congrats on your progress! if you are able, strength training will help you develop more muscles and your skin will tighten up some. Though some loose skin may be inevitable depending on a variety of things.
    Keep it up !

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