Day 216

Wednesday 3rd August 2016

Today was a very confusing day. It was the first day back on the scales since my holiday. 

The last time I recorded my weight I had got very frustrated as it kept going up. When I left for my holiday I was 16st 11.2lbs / 106.7 kg as the holiday went on I went up to 16st 12.2lbs / 107.1kg. 

Today I was very nervous about getting on the scales but when I did I had a shock. It said 16st 5.3lbs/ 104 kg. I thought ‘no way there is something up, I couldn’t possibly have lost 6lbs / 3kg while I was away.’

Today I went to see Jenny. On the way I thought about how my weight has not come off too easy lately and that every pound has been a struggle. 

The only way I can describe it is that I am hanging off the side of a bridge holding on as tight as I can, there is only so long that I can hang there. Eventually I will have to fall.

That is what I feel my weight has been doing.

When I saw Jenny I told her that I think something was up with my scales because I didn’t believe that I had lost that much weight while I was away. So I got on her scales. 

To my disappointment I was right – my scales were wrong. But it wasn’t all bad because on Jenny’s scales I had still lost over 2lbs. 

I thought about this and I may not have dropped off that bridge but I have let go and I am falling. 

So I left very happy knowing that I have been away again and still lost weight. 

I have since sorted out the scales and they are working properly now so I should have a true weight tomorrow.

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2 thoughts on “Day 216”

  1. 1. Well done on your loss, but totally get how disappointing not to have the larger loss you thought you had. You made so many good choices and it showed.
    Did you ever see The Art of The Brick? Your picture reminds me very strongly of one of the sculptures which was my favourite, called ‘Hanging on the Edge’ by Nathan Sawaya.

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