Friday 1st July 2016
Today is a special day, it’s Matt’s birthday. But it is also exactly half way through the year which means I have been going for 6 months.
The time has gone so quick. I am so happy that I haven’t wasted it and let that time go by with all the same emotions and feelings that I had last year.
The last six months I have been through a real maze of emotion.
I managed to work through that maze and finally find the middle. However being in the middle means that I am only half way there I still need to find my way back out again.
I am sure that the next 6 months will be different – full of it own challenges and complications. Hopefully there will be some rewards and achievements too but I have a feeling that over the next 6 months it will be a bigger struggle than the first.
The thing about mazes is that once you are in the centre you have no option but to find your way back out again.
I am very excited to what the next 6 months has in store and hopefully by the new year it really will be a whole new me.
Start weight 21st 5lbs
16st 13lbs. ⬅️➡️. 62lbs⬇️total
Start weight 135.6 kg
107.5kg. ⬅️➡️. 29.3kg⬇️total
Reblogged this on Jens lifestyle and commented:
Congrats to Debbie; Six Months in and enjoying the journey to a more Confident Youthful you..