Day 140

Thursday 19th May 2016

When I first met Jenny we had a talk about food. Everything she mentioned I said that I didn’t like it. Things like fish, vegetables, yoghurt and mushrooms. 

I told her that I was willing to try them but there is no way that she was ever going to get me to eat mushrooms. 

I don’t know what it is about mushrooms but I don’t like the taste, texture, smell anything about them. 

I have found lately that my taste buds have changed. Things that I used to hate I now seem to like. So today I have done the unthinkable. I’m cooking with mushrooms 

I made a casserole and added the mushrooms to that. I thought that the mushrooms will get mixed with other flavours and textures that I might not notice them too much. I was right I hardly noticed they were there.

I know it is small but it is the first step of me using them more often. 

17st 5.2lbs.    ⬅️➡️.      55.8lbs⬇️total

110.3kg.          ⬅️➡️.      26.3kg⬇️total

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2 thoughts on “Day 140”

  1. If you see any brightly coloured mushrooms like that picture they probably are highly poisonous. Either get them from a greengrocer, or if foraging them wild make sure you’re with a very experienced and knowledgeable guide or have the experience and confidence yourself to identify exactly what they are.

    1. I would only ever go to a greengrocer. Just thought it was more interesting to draw the poisonous kind. If I start to like mushrooms and want to forage I will put your advice to good use. Thank you

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