Friday 13th May 2016
Today my personal trainer came. Every week we are now doing the HIIT exercises. The exercises are going for longer and I am doing more of them. I find I am coping really well, I don’t seem to get too tired after.
I have noticed that over the last few months my energy levels have gone up.
Last year when doing my training I would be fit to do nothing for the rest of the day. I would ache a lot and be totally exhausted.
I have noticed that this year I have had a gradual increase in energy.
After my training now instead of feeling exhausted I feel reenergised.
I am constantly amazed how quickly things are improving. I wish I started this healthier life years earlier.
17st 6.7lbs. ⬅️➡️. 54.3lbs⬇️total
111.0kg. ⬅️➡️. 25.6kg⬇️total
Well done Debbie xx