Thursday 5th May 2016
I find that the weather very often can really affect your mood, which can affect your enthusiasm to do something.
It was so lovely going out for a walk today, the sunshine seems to make everything look so much better. Even Nuneaton looks better in the sunshine!
I also found that today I was in a very happy mood. It had to have been because the sun was out
Just to feel the warmth of the sun on your face cheers you up.
I find when you are happier then healthy eating, diets and weight loss struggles are so much easier to bare.
Today I feel I could accomplish anything. It makes me believe that I can do this. I just hope the nice weather continues.
17st 10.5lbs. ⬅️➡️. 50.5lbs⬇️total
112.7kg. ⬅️➡️. 23.8kg⬇️total
Well that just means you need to come and live with me in Australia. Everyday is like that.