Day 119

Thursday 28th April 2016

12 weeks ago when I first met Jenny the nutritionist. She sent me to get a blood test. It was to test my metabolic balance to see what was going on with my health, and why I couldn’t lose weight. 

The results were very enlightening and helpful. Since then I have been trying to get my metabolic rate back in balance, by controlling what I eat. 

It has been really hard work but I have done everything she has asked me to do. I have overcome so much in that time – eating food I don’t like, going cold turkey with sugar (which was the worst), not eating for 5 hours between my meals just to name a few.

Today I had another blood test. The last time I was dreading the results but hoped they would bring answers. This time however I am looking forward to them because the results must have improved.

I woke up this morning with a different attitude. It is the end of the 12 week course with Jenny. However it’s the beginning of another 12 weeks. 

I am very excited about what it has in store for me, which amazingly has renewed my motivation.

17st 11.3lbs.     ⬅️➡️.          49.7lbs⬇️total

113.1kg.             ⬅️➡️.            23.4kg⬇️total

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2 thoughts on “Day 119”

  1. Congratulations on the weight loss! I get my blood drawn every month in the program I am in…not much of a fan of the draw! haha, but they are very enlightening. Keep up the hard work!

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