Monday 25th April 2016
The last few days I have not thought once about what I am eating. I have not thought about being healthy. I have not even thought about dieting.
This could be really worrying but I find that the dieting and healthy eating have become a habit.
I find that I don’t have to think about things so much anymore. It just normal to me now. It’s a new normal.
The thing that does worry me though is that, because I am finding I don’t have to think about it, does that mean I won’t think about it if I slip too (not that I am planning to). I just don’t want to start getting into bad habits after all this hard work.
17st 12lbs. ⬅️➡️. 49lbs⬇️total
113.4kg. ⬅️➡️. 23.1kg⬇️total
Its great that healthy eating is so second nature to you, definitely a goal of mine!