Alice Cooper

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Year 3 week 48

26th November- 2nd December 2018

This week has been a particularly hard week for me with many ups and downs. We have had some really really good times mixed with some really really bad times.

In one week, I have been to 3 funerals and had a few personal issues I have had to deal with. I have been so up and down with emotions; one minute laughing, the next minute crying. The laughter was usually due to my Alice Cooper face I was left with after the crying.

One thing I have learned in life is that there are many battles. I am sure you can relate to this. But alongside those battles, there are many blessings. 

Even though these funerals were very sad and the loss of loved ones is so hard, yet the tribute and celebration of the life of the person they have lost, shows what a blessing they were to everyone. 

Sometimes we wonder why we have so many battles in our lives, so many things we have to fight for, so many things we have to overcome. Yet we forget a lot about the blessing that comes with it, during and after battles. It could be the kind, supportive words of a friend, a hug, the sun shine after a storm…it’s somehow holding those battles and blessings together and learning and benefitting from them both. 

I have also had my second cataract operation which, of course, the result is a huge blessing!

Battles and blessings together help me ‘see’. Through the battles I know I grow and God shows me things I couldn’t know if I wasn’t battling. And the blessings are pockets of goodness that keep me going.

So I just need to remember to carry on through the battle because the blessing isn’t far behind.

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