4th – 11th February 2017
I find in life that you can live a lot of contradictions. For instance I find myself a lot having to shout at the kids to be quiet.
I have to shout sometimes though just to be heard.
I have also found that much of what I have learnt about nutrition is a contradiction to what is normally taught. Like having butter and oil instead of low fat alternatives.
Apparently fat burns fat, so by using the proper butter and oil in its natural state is so much better for you than low fat products because of all the preservatives used in them.
Since my operation I find I am living another contradiction. I spent all of last year losing weight, doing lots of exercise and generally getting physically stronger in myself. The operation was to get rid of the excess skin that was left behind.
However I find that since the operation I have needed to rest. I have not been on any walks, I have not been for a run, I have done no exercise at all. I am finding that against my will I am getting lazy because I can’t really do much. I can’t even pick up anything heavier than a cup of tea.
I am finding it fairly frustrating. Going from being very active to not active at all is taking its toll.
I have not changed my eating habits but I feel like I am putting on weight. I can’t tell at the minute because the swelling I have got since the operation doesn’t give me a true reading of my weight. It is just my own opinion.
I did talk to Jenny about it and she has told me not to worry. She also reminded me of when I first went on the detox and that I couldn’t exercise for a few months and I still lost weight. She said it’s like that for me again now.
It doesn’t stop me worrying that I am putting on weight even though I am trying my hardest to lose it.
Living a contradiction isn’t always the easiest thing to do but I have no choice and it will have to end at some point.