Year 2 week 43

22nd – 28th October 2017

This week has been quite an emotional week. For about a year now our church have had a women’s mission trip to Serbia planned. Nine women were on the team and I was one of them.

We were going to do a women’s retreat and help surport a charity called Choose Life. It’s a charity that helps young pregnant women.  There aim is to prevent abortion and help the mothers with there babies. 

When it was booked Matt was going to go on a cycling trip for another charity called The Message Trust. His trip was in Israel and he was to cycle from the Red to the Dead Sea.

Matts trip was the beginning of October and mine was near the end it meant we could both go on these trips, so we booked in. Since booking Matts trip changed to the same time as mine. He left about 5 days before I did though.

We did try and look for someone to stay in our house but to no avail. It meant that I was leaving for Serbia and the kids were going to be home alone for 5 days.

Before I left I was freaking out. The thought of leaving the kids home alone was not helping my nerves at all. Even though 3 of them are teenagers and are old enough to look after Jake who is 9 it didn’t stop me worrying. The nearer it got to me leaving the more freaked out I was getting. By the time I left I was a nervous wreck. 

My week in Serbia was amazing the retreat went really well. At the retreat I got to speak and share my story on becoming a mother all about our road to adoption. I think a few people from our team learnt alot of things they didn’t know about me. I got to learn a lot about them too.

I also got very creative there too we got to do a few workshops that were fun. It was just good to meet new people.

One thing I went to Serbia for was to paint a picture on the wall of the Choose Life centre it was a picture I drew about 4 years ago and since then I have dreamed of painting it on there wall. They were excited about it and I thought it was an honour to do it. 

The lady who runs the charity asked me to name her. I decided I wanted to call her Nada which means hope in Serbian.

While I was away I hardly had time to worry about the kids and what they were getting up to at home. I called a few times But I just decided to trust them and enjoy my time away.

I am now home and I was very happy to see that the house was still standing, that I still did have 4 kids intact and they hadn’t killed each other and that basically there wasn’t any problems.

I think the moral of the story is to not worry about what you can’t control and trust that it will all work out. As a family we have a bible verse we abide by it’s in

Matthew 6:34.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

I think I just forgot for a while there.

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