The Rich Young Ruler

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  1. Year 3 week 32

6th – 12th August 2018

This week I was reminded of a story in the bible of the rich young ruler. The story is found in the book of Matthew and it’s basically about a young wealthy man. Jesus tells him to go sell all his possessions, give to the poor and his rewards will be so much greater.

I feel in someways, on this journey, that is exactly what I have done. Not with riches and wealth but with my health. At the beginning I did give up everything – I suffered, I sacrificed and I have to say my rewards really have been great and I am a lot happier for them.

When I read this story I have tried to put myself in his place

What I think is meant by this story is that we need to let go of the things that bind us.

It could be wealth, it could also be your health, or food, it could be your mobile phone or social media, it could even be your time. The list is basically endless and I think for all of us there is something that we hold on too tightly to.

I have felt for a while now that I need to start letting go again. If I quickly look at myself now I would say I don’t have anything that I hold on too tightly to because I felt I dealt with those issues a couple of years ago. However there are probably always things that start to edge into our lives and distract us.

I feel that for me to continue on this journey (which now is so much more than weight loss and more about finding out about myself) I need to look a bit deeper. I need to give up more. I need to sacrifice something else.

I feel one of the things I hold on tightly too is my time. I value my time especially my free time. I get a lot of it because I don’t work and my kids are growing up and they do an awful lot for themselves now. Giving me more time to do what I want to do. I have a lot of choice.

I must admit I am a bit of a ‘time waster’ and I could do a lot more with it than I currently do. So I have decided I am going to try and use it more wisely. I don’t know as yet how I am going to do it but I feel in confessing this and thinking about it more it will be revealed to me at some point in the future.

Apparently the rich young ruler didn’t do as Jesus asked and sell all his possessions if that’s true he never did see his rewards. I don’t want to end up like him and just waste my time and the resources God has given me.

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