

Year 4 month 10

October 2019

This month I got to paint at a woman’s conference for a church that is not to far from where I live.

I have painted at this conference once before, but it didn’t stop me from being nervous about it. It was an all day event where I would be painting in front of a few hundred people.

I was given a theme and then I painted something that relates to that theme. Because I am a Christian and regularly attend church I feel the best way for me to know what to paint is to pray and ask God to give me an image with a message that relates to it.

This years theme was Fierce. I felt that to be fierce very often is to overcome your fears, taking a step out of the darkness and head towards your goal however scary that might be. To become like a lion.

I felt that day I actually painted how I felt. For me to paint with so many people watching is very scary. Even though I knew what I was going to paint there was still no guarantee it was going to be any good. To take that step opened me up to ridicule. It could have ended in total and utter failure. It could have made me look really stupid.

Those thoughts are what went through my mind before I started but in reality, I loved my day. I felt I painted the picture God gave me and it spoke to so many people including myself. It totally related to the message of the day. I even sold it and gave the money to charity and got commissioned to paint another one where the money also went to charity. It gave me a real sense of achievement.

Overcoming your fears is totally scary beforehand but after you will be really glad you did it. The rewards are definitely worth it.

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2 thoughts on “Fierce”

  1. Debbie this is beautiful, I love that picture. You encourage so many people with your beautiful talent and gift God has given you. Xx

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