Day 97

Wednesday 6th April 2016

There was a trip today which most people went on. I however couldn’t go as there was a weight limit. It was slightly annoying. However I had a really good day. 

The last time I was in a hot country and I went for a walk was Christmas before I started dieting.  I went with my Dad and Tracie (his wife) and I overheated really quickly. I got very out of breath. To say I didn’t go well is an understatement. 

Today I went for another walk with my Dad and Tracie. There was a fort in the distance high on a hill that we decided to walk to. 

I thought I would overheat like I did last time, but that didn’t happen. I thought I might even struggle with the hills, but that didn’t happen either. I even beat them both up the hill which was quite shocking. My Dad was more worn out than me!  I didn’t even get out of breath and the view was amazing. 

Apparently the walk was tougher than the one at Christmas and it was also hotter. I however didn’t think that at all. 

In 3 months I am quite amazed by how much fitter I have become. All those walks at home have paid off.


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