Monday 14th March 2016
Walked the 5k block again, I found the first hill really easy and I didn’t need to control my breathing either. It doesn’t seem that long ago since I found it really hard and I was dreading it. The second hill was easier too, but tougher than the first.
I am finding I can eat out a lot more than I could before. At the beginning I felt that I couldn’t go anywhere because I had to prepare all my own food. Now though it is slightly more relaxed, I can generally find things on most menus for me.
Potatoes are not on my food list which I have found hard, and the reason they are not on there is because they turn to sugar once digested. Sweet potato is a new thing on my list which I am really enjoying. A very nice replacement for potatoes I find.
18st 12.1lbs. ⬅️➡️. 34.9lbs⬇️total