Day 362

Tuesday 27th December 2016

There is one person who has really helped me this year and that is Jenny my nutritionist. 

I met her in January after Matt did  research into finding a nutritionist. She had really good ratings and she was only half an hour away from my house. 

The first time I met her she said she could help me. She said I could do a healthy eating plan called a metabolic balance. It consisted of a blood test which showed what was happening on the inside. 

She told me about the 4 phases I would go through when it came to food options. She said that she lives on phase 3 all the time. 

I have to say when she told me what I had to do I didn’t think there was a chance I would do it. It seemed far too hard and I definitely didn’t think I could live on it long term. In short I didn’t really believe her. 

It started by me going to see her every week for 6 months and then fortnightly for the last 6 months of this year. 

Jenny is a person I felt I could tell anything too. She put me at ease from the very beginning. She was a person I liked straight away and because I saw her so often it wasn’t long before we became friends. 

Visiting her every week usually consisted of a weigh in, sometimes she took measurements and she also helped to improve my skin. Because she believes eating healthier is sorting things from the inside out she also thinks we need to do the same from the outside in. 

We also talked a lot, usually about how I was getting on and she gave me so much nutrition advice. I have learnt so much from her. I never really understood before what food did to your body and how your body reacts to it until this year. 

However I think all I gave her is a pain in the foot. Because it seemed like every week I would go and break a glass. It wasn’t long until a bit ended up in her foot!

The beginning half of the year was really hard but I have to say it is the best thing I have ever done and definitely the most rewarding. 

She told me in January that it would be the last diet I would ever go on. I didn’t really believe that either. 

However she is right. You may be thinking that seeing a nutritionist isn’t exactly cheap – well you would be right! But I have been to many places to lose weight before where I pay a certain amount every week and I have done that for years. I think if I added it all up Jenny would be cheaper in the long run and it all worked. 

With Jenny I also get a personal service and she is at the other end of the phone when I need her. There was one time on day 4 of the detox when she had an hysterical woman on the other end of the phone. I was ready to quit but she encouraged me to carry on and said that tomorrow would be better. She was right. 

She has been right with everything she has told me and I have done exactly what she said because, after all, I am paying for her expertise and it’s in my best interest. 

So I just want to say a big thank you to Jenny. 

Without you I would never have done so well. 

I would advice everyone whether you need to lose weight or not to see a nutritionist if you want to try look her up on

because it’s the best thing I have ever done. 

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