Friday 9th December 2016
I find the run up to Christmas a very busy time, there is so much preparation that goes into just one day.
A lot of it is waiting – waiting for parcels to arrive, waiting for food to be delivered. Waiting for it all to be over.
When I am expecting a delivery there is nothing worse than waiting in all day for it to arrive and then half the time it either doesn’t come or it comes when you are out on the school run. So the waiting will have to happen all over again tomorrow.
The thing about waiting for things is it can get very boring. Boredom is something that makes me feel really hungry.
Usually I would go to my sewing room and do some work but because we are doing work on our house that room is out of action at the moment.
Even though I have got into some very good eating habits this year and I have got used to eating so much less than I used to, I still feel hungry when I am bored.
I don’t know why this is – it’s probably because I have time to think about my hunger. Which makes me want to eat. At times like that I have always gone to the fridge
This year I haven’t gone to the fridge once. It has helped though that I draw a picture everyday because that has kept my mind occupied on other things rather than food.
My drawings though can’t continue forever. It will be impossible to keep up this pace – I am surprised that I have managed to do it for so long and one day soon they will stop. I just hope that means I won’t go back into my old habits again.