Monday 5th December 2016
Christmas is always a very happy time of year in our house. The kids are already getting excited. For me, though, the run up to Christmas can be very stressful.
At Christmas time there’s
always seems so much more to do. First comes buying the gifts that every year seems to get harder knowing what to buy, then comes wrapping.Usually I would buy all the gifts and then wrap them all on the same day. Today I have started my wrapping which is a lot earlier than I would normally do it.
It doesn’t mean however that I have all my Christmas shopping done.
I like wrapping presents but when you have so many to wrap it can make it one of the worst jobs. I also did some more Christmas shopping today too.
I have only ever been able to do one job at a time because I couldn’t think properly if I did buying and wrapping on the same day. I would get very tired very quickly.
I haven’t realised before how being so overweight can affect your mind. I didn’t realise that it could limit your thoughts and ability to get things done.
Up until now I just thought it limited my movement and my energy levels – I didn’t think it limited my mind to. I know it sounds stupid not being able to do more than one job in a day but that’s the reality of being excessively overweight I suppose.
My mind now seems so much more active than it use to be and I can seem to contain a lot more information which means I can get more jobs done!
It goes to show that that saying “active body active mind” is so true.