Day 286

Wednesday 12th October 2016

Jenny had told me that I need to start doing some more exercises, she thinks I should start going to exercise classes.

For a couple of weeks now I have been going to Pilates. I knew it was going to be different exercises from what I am used to but I thought I would cope ok because I am fitter than I used to be. It’s a gentle exercise rather than the faster pace of running, boxing and cycling. 

I found it quite difficult though. I think I would rather go running than have to hold my leg up in the air for a minute using only my core strength. A lot of the exercises I just couldn’t do. I found myself wobbling all over the place. 

I do like the fact though that I couldn’t do everything because it gives me something to aim for. And hopefully as the weeks progress I will improve. 

Another class I have done today is clubbercise. It is basically aerobics to 80’s music in the dark. You have a glow stick in each hand creating streaks of multicoloured lights as you move.

It felt like I had stepped back in time and we were at a school disco being the naughty kids mucking around at the back.

It was the funniest thing I have done in a long time. 

As I haven’t been before and it was too dark to see the instructor at the front, I decided to follow the woman in front of me. She however was going about 3 times quicker than I could cope with and I ended up doing my own thing and looking very silly in the process. 

It was however the best time I have had exercising. who says exercise is boring. 

Start weight 21st 5lbs

15st 13.8lbs. ⬅️➡️. 75.2lbs⬇️total

Start weight 136.5kg

101.6kg. ⬅️➡️. 34.9kg⬇️total

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