Day 259

Thursday 25th September 2016

Matt has give up so much for me this year. He has helped me in so many ways. I am still managing to do my walks and I don’t think I would have ever done them without him.

When we walk, we walk arm in arm, and we have to make sure we are moving the same by putting the right foot forward at the same time and then the left. If we don’t we are banging each other and we are all out of sync. It can cause us to have a very rough journey.  However when we are together, in sync, it is such a smoother walk and a lot more pleasurable. 

Similarly machinery doesn’t work without being in sync. Each cog has a place and unless they are positioned correctly all the other cogs are totally useless. 

Life can be like this – we just need to put our cogs in the right place. From time to time the cogs move out of place and become out of sync – it’s our job to put them back, otherwise they grind against each other and can cause everything to stop. 

Life is not perfect, sometimes it can be really hard. I know for many years my cogs have been all over the place. They haven’t been positioned correctly or just won’t turn. It’s only now that I am making them work in sync again. 

You can be eating all the right stuff but if you’re eating at totally the wrong time or the wrong amounts, or not accompanying it with some exercise, then it’s hard for things to fall in sync. Likewise you can exercise like mad but if you don’t eat properly it will all soon fall apart. Synchronising all these elements is important. 

Also having people around who are for me, supporting me, and just want the best for me and would do anything to see me succeed is what makes those cogs turn in sync. They help smooth the challenges I face and keep me going. 

Getting healthy is so helping me put mine back in place. It’s sorting out issues I have been holding for many years. I never really realised when I started this year that I could change so much. I never really realised I had so many issues that I had to deal with. It’s amazing what you can do when you dig deeper.

Start weight 21st 5lbs

16st 6.2lbs.      ⬅️➡️.    . 68.8lbs⬇️total

Start weight 136.5kg

104.4kg.           ⬅️➡️.        32.1kg⬇️total

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