Sunday 28th August 2016
We have two dogs, they are Hungarian Viszlas. The oldest dog Viz is a female and a few years ago we decided to breed her. She had four male puppies. We kept the first born and named him Wesley and we sold the rest.
We have a very big garden and fields behind where we live so we don’t have to take them out for a walk – we can just let them out because there is plenty of room for them to run around.
This year though we have been trying to train them because it would be nice to take them for walks with us from time to time.
Wesley has never been on holiday, or even left the house and gardens unless he is going to the vets or kennels. We have however brought them with us to Devon.
We have been on walks everyday. We thought it was a perfect opportunity to train them on the lead.
Wesley who is 18 months old has learnt really quickly. But Viz, who is older, is being a bit more stubborn to train. She still wants to pull on that lead.
It shows that saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is totally true.
I, like Viz, feel I am an ‘old dog’ this year. For many years I have tried to change my eating habits and it has taken extreme willpower and motivation to finally see it working.
It has come now to the stage that I am trying to teach my kids about eating healthier. I am finding that with my youngest son it is relatively easy but his older brothers are a totally different story. There appears to be nothing I can do that will change their eating habits. And it’s not for the lack of trying.
It’s like with the old dog – he will not change his tricks unless he wants to. The same applies to my kids. When they are so set in their ways they are never going to change unless they want to do it for themselves. That is why my youngest is willing to try and not my older boys.
It is my fault though that they have got into these bad habits because they have only been copying me for years. It makes me wish I did this sooner.
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