Sunday 22nd May 2016
I said on day 2 that knowledge is everything. I still believe that.
Last year my favourite foods would have been chocolate, biscuits, cakes and anything that was bad for you. I would say to myself that I needed to have them or I would go shaky, I needed a sugar fix and basically come up with many different excuses and reasons of why I had to eat them everyday.
This year I have learnt so much, it’s like I am at school and learning things for the first time. I am getting educated
If I knew years ago of what food can actually do to your body I would not ever have got hugely overweight.
It has only taken me 45 years to learn but it’s better late than never!
It is scary to think of the amount of internal abuse my body has gone through for years.
So knowledge really is everything. I am glad I now have it.
Start weight 21st 5lbs
17st 4.5lbs. ⬅️➡️. 56.5lbs⬇️total
Start weight 135.6kg
110kg. ⬅️➡️. 26.6kg⬇️total