1st – 7th January 2018
My eating in December was so bad that now we have hit January it’s all systems go.
There is a saying that I hear every new year and that is ‘New Year, New You’ and I always go by it. I make new years resolutions to try to improve certain situations and I have to say that this year is no different.
The year always starts well and as the months roll by those resolutions have gradually slipped. That’s definitely how last year went anyway!
For now though I am going for it. I have decided to give myself a challenge every month.
I have decided that my challenge this month is swimming. I have been using a pool that is 15 meters in length and the challenge is to swim 2018 lengths this month.
I set it on the 1st and thought for me to achieve this goal I will need to swim 100 lengths a day with 2 days off a week.
My challenge has started well and the first few days it was good. But once I got to days 3 and 4 it was taking its toll. Towards the end of the week it was getting easier.
I am not really finding this challenge easy. When I set it I thought it would be a challenge but not a huge push. I am finding it quite a chore though.
I have however managed to make the effort every day this week and I have already knocked 600 lengths off that target.
My eating has improved this month but it’s not perfect with all this extra swimming. I’m finding I am getting extra hungry which isn’t always good when you are trying to cut down.
Maybe I can do better next week.
Wow! That’s a really big goal! Good for good, I know you’re going to smash it!