The Feather Weight


The Feather Weight

February 2020

Ever since I started this journey, I wouldn’t have succeeded unless there were certain people I was accountable to.

Matt is the obvious one, Jen my nutritionist, I have a few friends who I confide in and then I have Emiko. She is a lady who gives me advice and helps me through my difficult situations.

I feel to have people you are accountable to is a vital part of life and without, I would not grow. That is if you are totally honest with them and confess the truth, however painful or difficult it is. I have learned throughout this journey that telling them half- truths is not helpful. It’s self-deception.

One day I was talking to my friend Emiko and I told her something that was niggling at me. I was still struggling with my relationship with food I suppose. We all have battles to fight in life and this one is still mine. I said how my mind was telling me, ‘I had to eat it, I had to it eat, I had to eat it!’ And it wouldn’t let up unless I had. Then it would say, ‘you need another one, you need another one, you need another one!’ And these voices just kept going round and round my head and I was struggling to get rid of them.

Then Emiko told me something really enlightening. She said it’s like a weight you have on your shoulder you can’t get rid of. Imagine changing that weight to a feather. Visualise it. And then take the power out of it by making it as light as a feather. Just brush it away. It comes and then it goes.

I have to say I found it really worked. And when I was struggling, I did manage to just brush that weight off my shoulder.

I can’t say however, that it works every time! Sometimes the weight still stays a weight and I succumb to the temptation. But it is a step closer to me getting rid of those niggles completely.

Emiko aka lifestyle lady:

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