Year 4 month 3
March 2019
There is a very well know story in the bible. It’s about Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were the very first human beings God created. They lived in the garden of Eden And they could do anything other than eat the fruit from one tree.
A snake came and tempted Eve and she eventually ate an apple from the tree. She then went on to tempt Adam.
Their consequence was banishment from the garden.
At the beginning of this month our church was doing a fast and I have to say I did really well. I did get tempted from time to time but I didn’t succumb.
Since the fast is over the temptations have been coming think and fast and I have to say I have not been able to resist.
One thing I have learnt in life is when you do things you shouldn’t there is always a consequence. My consequence in this case is that I’m putting on weight again.
My struggle with weight loss has been particularly hard over the last few years. I try but I can’t seem to lose any weight. When I have been trying for so long and nothing happens it is so demoralising and your willpower just goes.
Tomorrow is the start of a new month and I have decided to try again and hopefully I will regain my willpower.