Year 3 week 42
15th – 21st October 2018
I have been struggling a lot with my diet lately I have also been struggling a lot with my emotions too. The first year I did so well I managed to draw a picture and write this blog/diary everyday it kept me accountable, it kept me on track and it definitely kept me focused.
Since that first year, with only the weekly posts and drawing, I think that accountability left for most of the week which has made it harder for me to stay on track.
One thing that has really helped me over the years has been my art. If I am going through something I paint it, I express my feelings through my art. Sometimes I have been going through hard times and when I draw how I feel it helps me get over it. It has helped me so much. I also feel I have improved greatly in that time too. If it wasn’t for this blog my art would still be rubbish!
When it comes to my art I am my own worst critic. I still do pictures I don’t like, I still draw things out of perspective, I still struggle with certain drawings and yet I post them anyway.
I find the ones I like and have the most meaning for me won’t necessarily have the same impact on someone else. In fact I find I get the most comments on the drawings I don’t like!
I have always enjoyed art even though I have no qualifications in art. I have learnt to communicate with it over the last few years. My art helps me overcome situations I’m in. I do it for my benefit but if it helps someone else along the way that is a bonus.
This weekend I was asked to paint during a conference. The theme was ‘trailblazer’. I thought and prayed about what I was to do and I painted at the front while there were different people speaking on the same subject.
I painted a woman walking through tall grass and parting the grass with every step leaving a trail behind her. I would imagine that to walk that path wouldn’t really be easy but she made her way out gradually.
It took me all day to paint and throughout the day I had many people come and look at my work.
At the end of the day a lady came over and said that she watched me paint and the more she watched the painting progress the more emotional she got.
Apparently a while back someone told her that she was walking through a forest through all the rough terrain and she needed to move the leaves aside and make her way through.
She then went onto say that when I started to put the woman in she noticed that it looked like her and even the people around her said that I was painting her. I have never met that lady before and I have to say it really did look like her.
When I do a painting I always like to think that God has given me the image and that I am doing the right thing. I like to think that I am being obedient in translating the image God has put in my head.
When the painting was finished I have to say it wasn’t one of my best but others seemed to like it and I know it meant a lot to that lady.
Even though I have struggled a lot this week with my diet and my emotions I have realised that God is still with me journeying with me giving me images to translate and helping me through. I just need to realise it more.
Well done Deb! Your obedience and honesty is just beautiful and I love seeing your art and reading the story behind them! You have defo been blessed to be a blessing!!