Saturday 2nd April 2016
I have been going for a morning swim in the sea every morning this week. I have been going with my nieces. We would swim out to a boat in the distance and swim back again, it would take a little over half an hour.
I would then go straight to breakfast soaking wet.
I think I must have annoyed everyone leaving puddles everywhere I went.
Today, though was the first morning I didn’t swim because we were leaving the hotel today. I really missed it.
We are on a cruise for the second part of our holiday.
I feel I have been eating healthily all holiday but I do feel like I have put on weight. I don’t understand why. It has made me a little disheartened.
Often, the change in routine can lead to weight gain/or holdings weight. Just continue being conscious of your choices and try not to worry about it!
Also doing lots of swimming your muscles will be strengthened. Your on holiday…. Keep to it on the whole, but allow yourself occasional treats because you are on holiday, I found last year it helped! X
You have inspired me to change my diet and loss my excess weight Debbie. Thank you for your honest blogging