Day 76

Wednesday 16th March 2016

I haven’t seen the nutritionist for 2 weeks as she had been away. Today was the first visit since she got back. While she was away I managed to look through the information that she gave me when I started the detox.

The thing that caught my eye the most was that I have a very high level of Uric Acid. I asked her today what that meant, she said that if I had of continued at the same rate I would have eventually got gout, diabetes or even osteoporosis, amongst other things.

This has helped me understand why I have been recommended to eat certain foods and not others. Since the detox I have been eating foods that are more alkaline like vegetables and stop eating foods that are too acidic like red meat. This should bring my Uric Acid levels back in balance.

18st 10.8lbs.   0.9lbs.    36.2lbs⬇️total

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