Day 306

Tuesday 1st November 2016

This is the first year ever I have done a diary. For me to write anything is such a big deal. I have found it hard in the past to even respond to people’s texts. I find it so much easier to draw than write. I feel I can express myself better when I draw.

Everyday when I draw my pictures I do them in a book. At the beginning of the year I worked out that I would need 7 books to complete the year. 

Today I started my 7th book, I think that means I have got to the final chapter. 

Reaching my last book has made me feel really good because when I bought them it seemed so long away to get through them. 

I could never have imagined where it would take me. Today as I take my 7th book off the shelf I realised that these books contain my life this year

I also realised that they contain my thoughts, my emotions, past hurts, my feelings. For years I have been those book ends leaning against them keeping them hidden from view. Keeping all the feeling closed inside. 

This year I have found that I have not only opened the books I have put them on public display for everyone to see. 

If I think back now it was a very brave thing for me to do. This year for the first time I have lived my life like an open book, with nothing hidden. I have to say though it has been a very rewarding journey to go down And I have never written so much in my life. 

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3 thoughts on “Day 306”

  1. I love this drawing and the meaning behind it. It’s one of my favourites. What a journey you’ve been on and taken us along for the ride. Congratulations on reaching the final chapter for the year. You’ve saved the best for last. Cheering you on Debbie.

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