Day 301

Thursday 27th October 

We came back from a lovely few days away in Devon. 

I find when I go away now that often I come back feeling a little ill. I find that the change in food doesn’t always agree with me anymore. Eating out doesn’t help much either. 

When eating out I try to be good and order food I am allowed to eat, but really I don’t know how it’s been cooked. This small change can not agree with me sometimes. 

I also have a few more little treats than normal when on holiday. When it comes to treats I do still stick to the rules but it is more than I normally get. 

Today I happened to get on the scales and even though it wasn’t first thing in the morning it still said I was 3 lbs heavier than before I left.

I couldn’t see how I had put on so much in 3 days. I was so frustrated that I told Jenny.  She told me to not worry and keep moving forward. 

It reminded me of a quote by Martin Luther King Jr.

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

I am definitely crawling at the moment, I am still moving forward slowly and painfully as I go though. Collecting a few war wounds along the way. 

I have decided not to get on the scales for a few days so that I can lower my frustration and to maybe keep me moving forward with a few less war wounds 

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