Day 289

Saturday 15th October 2016

Matt has gone away this weekend which means I am home with the kids. On a Saturday the kids go to school to play rugby. This Saturday there was a women’s conference at church which meant I had to organise many different places for the kids to go for the day after their rugby training. 

Sometimes to get to do the things you want can be complicated. For me to simply go to the conference today I had to organise a lot.

I find that all I want is a simple life but sometimes to get the simple takes a lot of organisation and complications 

Today’s conference was called simplify. One thing that was said was that we need to sort out our priorities, decided what is important in life and concentrate on those things and don’t be afraid to say no to the less important stuff. 

I know I have made the mistake in the past of putting others first. This year I thought it’s now time for me because my life, health and family life were suffering. 

Thinking of yourself is not necessarily selfish. I think it’s wise because If you are not right your whole family can suffer as I am sure my family have for years. 

The fact that I have took the time to sort my life out this year has made my complicated a lot more simple. I would recommend it to anyone. It’s about time you thought about yourself.

Start weight 21st 5lbs

15st 13.8lbs. ⬅️➡️. 75.2lbs⬇️total

Start weight 136.5kg

101.6kg. ⬅️➡️. 34.9kg⬇️total

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