Day 244

Wednesday 31st August 2016

This morning we got up at the crack of dawn to do the impossible. 

I have found this year I have accomplished so much more than I could ever have imagined. For me getting healthy and losing weight has helped me do things that I never thought were ever achievable. 

When I started losing weight this year I set some goals, small goals that are easy to achieve and then some larger goals. Some of my larger goals were to lose 70lb by October and to climb Snowdon. 

When I set those goals they were so far away. I have only a few lbs to go until I hit 70lbs. But when I set the goal to climb Snowdon, well that was mission impossible. There would need to be a miracle for me to achieve it.

Today I have proved that miracles do happen and there is no such thing as impossible. 

We attempted to climb Snowdon – Matt, myself and the kids. We didn’t even do the easy route, we did a route called the Pyg Trail. It was the most picturesque but there was some climbing involved. The route was challenging but I did it – I actually got to the top.

I couldn’t help but cry. I don’t know though if I cried because I was so overwhelmed for doing it or because I was in so much pain. 

While at top we opted to walk the easier route down. I was dreading the walk down as I find it harder for some reason. I thought that with the route we came up I wasn’t going to get down it, that’s why I went the easy way. 

It however was far from easy. It took me a while but I got down. I don’t think I can walk another step now though for a long time. However I am very happy because I did 30,000 steps by the time I finished.

I had to break a few rules when it came to my eating. I had to eat small amounts regularly rather than 3 meals with nothing for the 5 hours in between . If I hadn’t have done that I would never have had enough energy to finish. 

Now I believe that all things are possible 

No weigh in

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4 thoughts on “Day 244”

  1. What an amazing day for you and your family, Debbie you are my hero! An absolute star, your grit and determination should & will inspire others.. Well done you, those few pounds won’t come till next week now so be patient for the other goal!! It will come, I promise xx

  2. Reblogged this on Metabolic Balance – Jen Adams and commented:
    What an amazing day for you and your family, Debbie you are my hero! An absolute star, your grit and determination should & will inspire others.. Well done you, those few pounds won’t come till next week now so be patient for the other goal!! It will come, I promise xx

  3. Fantastic Debbie. Just read your blog for today. Awesome! We’ve been walking the coastal paths of Yorkshire, also very beautiful and not quite so adventurous as Snowden though!

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