Chipping Away


Year 3 week 33

7th – 19th August 2018

I have been getting slightly fed up lately regarding my weight. Over the last few weeks I have been eating really healthy I have done really well, however I still haven’t lost any weight.

I know that looking at the scales isn’t always the best thing to do but I just can’t help it sometimes. Most of the time it doesn’t bother me but on the odd occasion it does. This week has been the odd occasion.

I have also, this week been going through my clothes again. Throwing away things I don’t wear anymore and putting aside some of my summer clothes.

This has meant that I have had to try on a few things and they all still fit. One top I bought in March and it was slightly tight when I bought it and it now fits so much better.

Seeing the weight on the scales not go down from week to week may get to me sometimes. But knowing that actually I am still getting thinner is helpful.

A friend sent me a photo this week and it totally summed up how I was feeling so I have drawn my interpretation

That sums it all up for me. Even though the scales aren’t going down I am still chipping away at it gradually.

I am going to hold onto that and hopefully it will keep me going a while longer.

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